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Can use intermediate features of JUnit

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JUnit: Intermediate

Given below are some noteworthy JUnit concepts, as per the JUnit 5 User Guide.

  • Annotations: In addition to the @Test annotation you've seen already, there are many other annotations in JUnit. For example, the @Disabled annotation can be used to disable a test temporarily. [more ...]

  • Pre/post-test tasks: In order to allow individual test methods to be executed in isolation and to avoid unexpected side effects due to mutable test instance state, JUnit creates a new instance of each test class before executing each test method. It is possible to supply code that should be run before/after every test method/class (e.g., for setting up the environment required by the tests, or cleaning up things after a test is completed) by using test instance lifecycle annotations such as @BeforeEach @AfterAll. [more ...]

  • Conditional test execution: It is possible to configure tests to run only under certain conditions. For example, @TestOnMac annotation can be used to specify tests that should run on Mac OS only. [more ...]

  • Assumptions: It is possible to specify assumptions that must hold for a test to be executed (i.e., the test will be skipped if the assumption does not hold). [more ...]

  • Tagging tests: It is possible to tag tests (e.g., @Tag("slow") so that tests can be selected based on tags. [more ...]

  • Test execution order: By default, JUnit executes test classes and methods in a deterministic but intentionally nonobvious order. This ensures that subsequent runs of a test suite execute tests in the same order, thereby allowing for repeatable builds. But it is possible to specify a specific testing order. [more ...]

  • Test hierarchies: Normally, we organize tests into separate test classes. If a more hierarchical structure is needed, the @Nested annotation can be used to express the relationship among groups of tests. [more ...]

  • Repeated tests: JUnit provides the ability to repeat a test a specified number of times by annotating a method with @RepeatedTest and specifying the total number of repetitions desired. [more ...]

  • Parameterized tests make it possible to run a test multiple times with different arguments. The parameter values can be supplied using a variety of ways e.g., an array of values, enums, a csv file, etc. [more ...]

  • Dynamic tests: The @TestFactory annotation can be used to specify factory methods that generate tests dynamically. [more ...]

  • Timeouts: The @Timeout annotation allows one to declare that a test should fail if its execution time exceeds a given duration. [more ...]

  • Parallel execution: By default, JUnit tests are run sequentially in a single thread. Running tests in parallel — for example, to speed up execution — is available as an opt-in feature. [more ...]

  • Extensions: JUnit supports third-party extensions. The built-in TempDirectory extension is used to create and clean up a temporary directory for an individual test or all tests in a test class. [more ...]