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Java 8 Streams - An Introduction

Author: Lee Yi Min


In Java 8, we were introduced to new features such as lambda expressions and streams. If you weren't familiar with the concept of functional programming, you might be silently screaming in your head as you stare at a chunk of code infused with lambda expressions and stream operations.

However, oftentimes, it's hard not to admire the conciseness of the codes utilising these features. For example, you might want to calculate the mean height of male students given a list of students. Using traditional for-loops, you may write something like this:

double totalMaleHeight = 0;
int noOfMales = 0;
for (Student student: students) {
  if (student.isMale()) {
    totalMaleHeight += student.getHeight();
double meanMaleHeight = totalMaleHeight / noOfMales;

However, with the power of the Stream API, you can write this instead!

double meanMaleHeight = students.stream()
                                .filter(student -> student.isMale())
                                .mapToDouble(student -> student.getHeight())

Not only is the numbers of lines reduced by almost half, the code utilising streams is also rather intuitive. First, we filter the students who are male, using a lambda expression (student -> student.isMale()). Then, we get the heights of these students and followed by the average value of these heights. If the average value does not exist (which can happen when there are no male students), we store NaN in meanMaleHeight instead. The code is declarative and self-documenting, it's easy to understand what the original author was trying to achieve. This reduces the need for code comments, which we often see in loops since they can be harder to understand at a glance.

Besides its brevity, another cool feature of streams is that code can be executed in parallel using your multicore processor. Multiple students can be processed simultaneously, compared to processing only one student at a time with a normal loop. This can help to improve the performance of the operation significantly. And the best part is this can be done just by adding a simple method call in the Stream API, so you don't have implement multithreading or worry about how to go about splitting the work for it to work in parallel.

It's okay if you have no experience in writing lambda expressions! This guide will step you through the basics of both lambda expressions and streams so that you can start utilising them.

Getting Started

Before we can get started on Stream, it is imperative to first have some understanding on the concept of functional interface and lambda expressions. Feel free to skip right ahead if you are already familiar with such concepts! Then, let's take a closer look at the Stream API to get a better understanding of how it works.

Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions

Functional Interface

If you have tried using the Stream library and looked at its API page, you would see that many of its methods accept objects of new types such as Predicate, Collector and more. If you navigate into the APIs of these new types, you would have realised they are merely interfaces and the APIs themselves aren't giving much help on how you are supposed to make use of these interfaces.

These interfaces are actually functional interfaces, which are simply interfaces declared with a single abstract method.

As these interfaces only have a single abstract method, when you provide a method reference or a lambda expression where a functional interface is required, the compiler is able to self-infer and instantiate an object of the required functional interface type, with the given method/lambda as the implementation of the abstract method. This is similar to instantiating an anonymous class object, except that the code is more concise with the new syntax.

Method Reference

So how can you provide a method reference? The syntax is simple : <class/object/interface>::<method name>.
The method could be

  1. a static method of a class (MyClass::staticMethodName),
  2. an instance method of some object (myObject::methodName),
  3. a constructor (MyClass::new) or
  4. an instance method of an object of some type (MyObjectType::methodName)

In all four cases, the return type of the referenced method should match the return type of the required functional interface (unless this is void). In the first three cases, the parameters of the two methods would also need to match.

Suppose the parameter required is (SomeClass object), then the implemented method of the functional interface object created would run MyClass.staticMethodName(object), myObject.methodName(object) or new MyClass(object).

However, for the last case, the parameters required by the two methods would be different. Suppose the parameter required by the abstract method of the functional interface is (SomeClass object) and SomeClass::doSomething is given as the required functional interface. This would translate to running object.doSomething() in the implemented method.

If the parameters required by the abstract method are (SomeClass object, SomeArgument arg), the implemented method would run object.doSomething(arg). The implemented method runs the referenced method of the first parameter, with the remaining parameters supplied to the referenced method as arguments.

For more information, you should take a look at this guide written by Esteban Herrera, who has more than 12 years of experience in Java. The guide provides clear examples to illustrate the different kinds of method references and how it can be used.

Lambda Expressions

Moving on to lambda expressions! Lambda expressions are simply a clear and concise way to instantiate an object that implements a functional interface. The expression itself, however, does not contain information about which functional interface it implements, this is deduced by the compiler through the context where it is used.

The structure of a lambda expression is as such : (parameters) -> <body>, where the <body> can be a block of statement(s),

(int x, int y) -> { return x + y; }

or an expression,

(x, y) -> x + y

If used in the same context, these two lambda expressions are actually equivalent!

The parameters types of lambda expressions can be inferred by the compiler and are optional. It is actually recommended that parameters types are omitted when writing lambda expressions so as to keep the code concise.

When an expression is used for the body, the result of the expression is returned. The expression can also result in nothing (eg. (String s) -> System.out.println(s)), which means that the method expressed by the lambda returns void.

When a block is used for the body, the same rules for using or omitting the return statement for a normal method applies.

When the lambda has a single parameter, the parentheses surrounding the parameter can also be removed,

x -> x + 10

For a lambda expression to be compatible with the required functional interface, the lambda expression must have the same parameters types and a compatible return type as the required functional interface.

Although lambda expressions can be expressed in a block, it does not introduce a new level of scoping. Names in the body of the lambda are interpreted in the same way as its enclosing scope, with the addition of the names of its parameters. this and super can also be used in the lambda body to refer to the enclosing object and the parent class of the enclosing object.

This also means that lambda expressions are able to access local variables of the enclosing scope as well. However, any local variables accessed by a lambda expression must be final or effectively final (ie. cannot be reassigned another value).

To understand more about lambda expressions, take a look at https://www.lambdafaq.org/ ! The website provides easy-to-understand answers to many questions which you may have on lambda expressions. For a detailed use case of lambda expressions, you can read this Java tutorial.

An Example

Now that we have some understanding on functional interface, method references and lambda expressions, let's consolidate our understanding with an example.

Comparator<T> may be a familiar interface to you. In previous Java editions, to create an object extending this interface, you could either instantiate the object from a named class or an anonymous class, both of which need to override the abstract methods in Comparator<T>. So the code may look something like this:

// trying to sort students by height
students.sort(new Comparator<Student>() {
    public int compare(Student s1, Student s2) {
      return Double.compare(s1.getHeight(), s2.getHeight());

Let's face it. Declaring classes (anonymous or not) is quite a pain. Declaring a named class adds to the number of classes you need to maintain while the syntax of a anonymous class is quite an eyesore.

In Java 8, this interface has become a functional interface (surprise, surprise), so you can write a comparator with a lambda expression.

// trying to sort students by height
students.sort((s1, s2) -> Double.compare(s1.getHeight(), s2.getHeight()));

The compiler is able to infer that an object of type Comparator<Student> is expected and that the lambda expression fits into the definition for compare (the single abstract method), thus creating an instance of type Comparator<Student> with the Double.compare(s1.getHeight(), s2.getHeight()) returned in the implemented compare method.

By using an lambda expression, the code is much more simplified, and can be now written on a single line. However, the expression in the body is slightly complicated and it may not be easily understood by everyone.

Suppose this comparison is used over and over again in the code. To improve cohesion in the code, you may want to add instance method compareToByHeight(Student other) in the Student class.

public int compareToByHeight(Student other){
    return Double.compare(height, other.height);

And you can use a method reference as the functional interface instead.

// trying to sort students by height

Notice that the code is very easy to understand at a high level and what the intentions of the author can be understood from the code, reducing the need for further documentation. This also makes code more maintainable.

What is a Stream?

Now that we have the basics nailed, let's get started on Streams. Streams are basically sequences of elements. However, when dealing with streams, we are not so interested in where the data of elements is stored, what is currently stored in each element, but rather what we can do with the elements.

To use a stream, we need to first construct one. A stream can be obtained from an existing source of elements, such as a collection or an array. We will get into the details of how to do so in the next section.

The methods described in the Stream API allows us to perform operations on the elements. The stream operations can be categorised into two kinds: intermediate or terminal. These operations may take in functional interfaces, which will exactly define what is performed on each element.

Intermediate operations are operations which returns a stream. They can be stateless, operating on each element independently, or stateful, where the result of the operation performed on an element depends on other elements in the stream. The intermediate operations can

  • reduce the number of elements in the returned stream (eg. filter),
  • transform the type of the elements in the returned stream (eg. map) or
  • change the order of the elements in the returned stream (eg. sorted)

As a stream is returned from an intermediate operation, you can chain many of these intermediates operations in a single statement. However, intermediate operations are lazy and no processing is actually done when an intermediate operation is invoked.

To get any tangible output and to start the processing the operations on the stream, you will need to add a terminal operation. A terminal operation will consume each element in the stream to produce the desired output. Once a stream object is consumed by a terminal operation, it cannot be reused. You would have to construct a new stream object if you want to perform another terminal operation on the stream.

By putting these operations together, we get a stream pipeline, which has some source of elements, performs multiple operations on the elements in the stream, then utilises the elements to get the desired output.

A general guideline is that streams operations should not modify its original data source or be unnecessarily stateful (ie. depending on some variable which may change during the execution of the stream pipeline). Going against this rule can lead to exceptions or unexpected, incorrect behaviour when processing the stream pipeline.

The terminal operations of Streams may also return an Optional object, which is just an container for your desired output. In the case where the stream is empty, the terminal operation will produce an empty optional. This allows developers to differentiate between the case of the terminal operation producing a legitimate null result and the case where there is no result due to the absence of elements.

To understand more about Streams, you can read up on the documentation of the Stream package. They provide clear explanations on how streams work and how you should make use of them.

This tutorial by Brian Goetz, a Java Language Architect at Oracle, also provides a good overview of Streams. The whole five-part tutorial does go pretty in-depth, so you may want to take your time to go through it.

Building a Stream Pipeline

In this section, we will look at the details of implementing a stream pipeline and the common pitfalls when implementing one.

Constructing Streams

One way to construct a stream is simply supplying a sequence of elements to the Stream.of method.

 // construct stream with Stream.of
Stream<String> nameStream = Stream.of("Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Mallory");

When you want to use an array as the data source of the stream, you can use Stream.of or Arrays.stream. Arrays.stream is also able to take a primitive-typed array and return a stream of a specialised Stream class that has primitive elements, instead of boxed elements. (You can read more about these specialised streams IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream in the Java Documentation)

String[] array = {"Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Mallory"};

// construct stream from array with Stream.of
Stream<String> nameStream = Stream.of(array);

 // construct stream from array with Arrays.stream
Stream<String> anotherNameStream = Arrays.stream(array);

If you want to use a existing collection, you can simply call stream method of the collection.

Collection<String> names  = new ArrayList();

// filling up the collection

// construct stream from collection
Stream<String> nameStream = names.stream();

There are many other ways of constructing a stream, such as using the Stream.iterate method or BufferedReader.lines(). A nice summary of these different ways are provided in the tutorial by Brian Goetz

Intermediate Operations

There are many intermediate operations one can apply to their streams, but this guide will just focus on two of the most commonly used intermediate operations, filter and map.


The filter method takes in one parameter, a Predicate<T> object, where T is the type of the elements in the stream. The functional method of this interface is test, which takes in a parameter of type T and returns a boolean value. Only elements which returns true when tested with the Predicate<T> parameter are kept in the returned stream. The elements which returns false are filtered out.

As mentioned in Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions, you can provide the Predicate<T> object using lambda expressions or method references.

Suppose you want a stream of male students. You can filter the male students from a stream of all students by using an lambda that operates on objects of type T and returns a boolean value

Stream<Student> maleStudents = students.stream()
                                       .filter(x -> x.isMale());

or by using a method reference.

Stream<Student> maleStudents = students.stream()


The map method takes in a Function<T, R> parameter. The functional method apply takes in a type T object and returns a type R object, where R is the desired return type. These T and R are usually inferred by the compiler and you do not have to specify them in your lambda or method reference.

The map method performs the apply of the Function<T, R> object you provide on the elements and the returned objects from the apply operations are put into the returned stream. Each T element is mapped to its corresponding R object according to the provided Function<T, R> object and a Stream<R> object is returned.

Suppose you want a stream of names of all students. Similarly, you can use a lambda expression

Stream<String> names = students.stream() // Stream<Student> here
                               .map(x -> x.getName()); // Stream<String> here

or a method reference.

Stream<String> names = students.stream() // Stream<Student> here
                               .map(Student::getName); // Stream<String> here

Terminal Operations

Two commonly used terminal operations are reduce and collect. reduce typically takes in a BinaryOperator<T>, which is used to operate on all elements in the stream, resulting in a single final result. To find out how reduce works and how you can use it, you can look at second part of Brian Goetz's tutorial.

In this guide, we will look more closely at collect.


collect can be used to transfer the elements in a stream into a collection-like data structure easily. There are two ways of using collect:

  • by using collect(Supplier<R> supplier, BiConsumer<R,? super T> accumulator, BiConsumer<R,R> combiner)
    The supplier is a factory function that produces empty results of type R. The accumulator is then applied on the a empty or partial result with the elements, resulting in one or more results. The combiner then combines the possibly multiple results into one single result object, which is returned by the terminal operation.

  • by using collect(Collector<? super T,A,R> collector)
    The Collector<T,A,R> is specified by a supplier, accumulator, combiner and an optional finisher, which can transform the final result from accumulation and combining to a possibly different desired type.

One can easily do a collect operation by making use of the Collectors class, which contains many methods which help to generate a Collector<T, A, R>.

Suppose you want a list of names of all students. You can use the Collectors.toList() as the collector.

List<String> names = students.stream()

Suppose you want the average CAP score of all students. You can use Collectors.averagingDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T> mapper) and provide the mapper to transform the current student elements into their CAP scores.

List<String> averageCap = students.stream()

Suppose you want lists of students according to their current year of study. You can use Collectors.groupingBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> classifier) and provide the classifier which returns the year of study of a student. This returns a Map<Integer, List<Student>> object where the result of the classifier for an element would be one of the key values of the Map.

Map<Integer, List<Student>> studentsByYear = students.stream()
List<Student> firstYears = studentsByYear.get(1);

Drawbacks and Pitfalls

In order to effectively utilise streams, one would also need to know the common drawbacks and pitfalls associated with streams. In this section, we will talk about two common pitfalls and how you can avoid them.

Long, Complicated Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions allow us, as developers, to define a function quickly and easily. However, this power can be easily abused, and one might write a long, complicated lambda expression when trying to provide the required functional interface for the stream operation, resulting in code like this:

result = futures.stream()
                .map(failureOrResponse -> {
                    return failureOrResponse
                .map(failureOrResult -> {
                    return failureOrResult.either(
                            failure -> {
                                return EMPTY_RESULT;
                            result -> {
                                return result;
                .reduce(EMPTY_RESULT, Result::union);

(adapted from https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/2x47wy/java_8_code_style/)

Such code is not only hard to read but also hard to maintain. The general guideline is that lambda expressions should only be one line long. If it cannot fit within a single line, the lambda expression is probably not easy to read for people who aren't the author. The code will be much more readable if such lambdas are extracted as methods and this extraction can be easily done with a few clicks in many IDEs such as Eclipse or IntelliJ.

With the lambda expressions extracted as methods getFailureOrResult and getEmptyResultIfFailure, the earlier code example can be simplified to look like this:

result = futures.stream()
                .reduce(EMPTY_RESULT, Result::union);

With good method names given to the extracted lambda expressions, the code for the stream operation becomes self-documenting again.

Difficulty in Optimising Stream Performance

Performance is undeniably an important aspect in programming. So you might wonder if the performance of Stream is comparable to loops or how much performance gain can you get with parallel streams. According to this blog post, an simple implementation using stream can be about 4 times slower than using a traditional loop, even when the stream was parallelised. The performance of streams was eventually improved with some optimisation and the difference in performance between loops and streams was reduced to a negligible amount. However, this example serves as a reminder that writing a efficient stream pipeline is no easy task.

Loops are one of the most common control flow structures we use and many of us would probably have a relatively good idea of what are the things you should avoid in loops to achieve good performance. However, this is not the case with streams. As streams have a more high-level abstraction, it is more difficult to understand what is going on beneath our code. Streams are fairly new compared to loops and the unfamiliarity with streams is also another factor which adds on to the difficulty in optimising stream performance.

Oftentimes, using streams to give us better readability and reduced development time while compromising some performance is a reasonable bargain. We don't spend our time optimising each line of code for a small improvement in performance when we can be doing more productive things.

However, when the application is performance-critical, knowing that streams can possibly run much slower than a traditional loop, it is good to benchmark and test the performance of the stream code. To understand more about how streams are processed and how one can optimise a stream pipeline, you may want to look at third, fourth and fifth part of Brian Goetz's tutorial.


Hopefully through this guide, you are able to get a good understanding on what are streams and how you can use it. Below are resources you may want to look at to learn more about each respective topic.

Functional Interfaces

Method References

Lambda Expressions


Common Pitfalls