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Null Safety in Kotlin

Author: Pan Haozhe

“I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference…My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement.”
-Tony Hoare

This document explains Kotlin's null safety feature. For an overview of Kotlin, see here.

What is Null Safety?

Null Safety (or void safety) is the guarantee that no object reference will have a null value. In object-oriented languages, access to objects is achieved through references. A typical function call is of the form object.func(); object denotes a reference to a certain object, and func denotes a function call. At execution time, the reference to object can be void, leading to run-time exceptions (In the case of Java, a NullPointerException) and often abnormal termination of the program.


When developing Android applications in Java, NullPointerException (NPE) was a big problem. In fact, About one third of app crashes can be attributed to NPE. To see how it happens, let's take a look at the piece of Java code below:

String a = null;
if(a.length > 5) {
    //do something

When the above code is run, an NPE will be thrown on line 2 because a null object has no methods. To prevent an object from taking on a null value, programmers typically resort to doing additional checks like this:

String a = null;
if(a != null && a.length > 5) {
        //do something

And of course, that's all fine, until we want to do something more complex. Say Bob belongs to a department, and we want to get the name of the department manager. That will look like this:

String managerName = bob.department.manager.name;

Because each variable can be null, to prevent the NPE we put the code in the following code block:

if(bob != null) {
    Department department = bob.department;
    if(department != null) {
        Employee manager = department.manager;
        if(manager != null) {
            String name = manager.name;
            if(name != null) {
                //do something

The deep-nested if statement reduces readability of our code.

The other way is to use Java Optionals. For the first example above, we can do


And for the deeply-nested if statements, the verbosity can be reduced with


map() is a method in Java Optionals class that applies the function inside the parentheses to the object that is calling it. If the object is not present, it will return an empty Optional.

Let's see how Kotlin deals with this issue while maintaining a simple and readable syntax.

How Does Kotlin Handle Null Safety?

Nullable and Non-Nullable Type

In Kotlin, a type can be nullable or non-nullable, determined by the presence of a ?. For example, an object of type String is non-nullable, while an object of type String? is nullable.

As the compiler catches null assignments to non-nullable objects, the following would result in compilation error.

var firstString: String = "hello world"
firstString = null //compilation error

In comparison, the following assignment to a nullable type is allowed

var secondString: String? = "hello world"
secondString = null //okay

In the first case, we can safely call firstString.length without having to worry about a NPE because firstString can never be null.
In the second case, secondString can potentially be null, so secondString.length will result in a compilation error as the compiler see the danger of such statement and blocks it early.

Safety Operators in Kotlin

Although non-nullable type is a strong feature in Kotlin, the interoperability with Java means that we have to use variables as nullable type sometimes. In the previous section, we seem to have hit an obstacle as the compiler blocks the call to secondString.length. In this section we look at some ways of overcoming this problem.

Safe Call Operator

Represented by ?., the safe call operator is used in this way


This returns the length of secondString if secondString is not null, and null otherwise.

Now we can chain like this


This chain will return null if any of the variables inside the chain is null.

Elvis Operators

Represented by ?:, the Elvis operator is used in this way

val length = secondString?.length ?: -1

If the expression to the left of ?: is not null, the Elvis operator (?.) will return it as it is; else it will return a default value supplied (-1 in this case).

We also notice the use of safe call operator together with Elvis operator in the same statement.

But the Elvis operator is more powerful than this. return and throw statements are legitimate default values on the right side of the Elvis operator. So you can define your own error message to aid debugging. For example:

fun myFunc(node: Node): String? {
    val parent = node.getParent() ?: return null
    val name = node.getName() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Name expected")
    // ...

Doing so like this can help programmers to check for function arguments before carrying on with the required computation.

At this point you may ask, "What if I still want my NPE?"

Not-Null Assertion Operator

Represented by !!, the not-null assertion operator is used in this way

val stringLength = secondString!!.length

The operator converts any value to a non-nullable type and throws an exception if the value is null. In the above example, stringLength will be assigned the length of secondString if secondString is not null; if secondString is null, a NPE is thrown. Kotlin tries to reduce the number of NPEs thrown as it is a run-time exception that is difficult to debug, in addition to creating so many app crashes. Hence NPEs in Kotlin are explicitly asked for.


  1. Kotlin increases null safety of programs because some of the work required to ensure null safety is offloaded from the programmer to the compiler, which is less error prone.
  2. Null Safety is enforced by the Kotlin language. This is better compared to Java Optionals which is a Class and not a language construct like Kotlin's null-safety system.
  3. If you expect your object to not take on a null value, make it a non-nullable type!
  4. Even if you make your object a nullable type, Kotlin handles it better than Java because it can help to prevent NPE. An generic NPE is hard to debug; in Kotlin a descriptive message could be given to make debugging easier (with the help of Elvis operator).

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